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Point-to-Point Wireless

If your business has multple buildings or structures needing a private network connection or wireless internet access we can help you an affordable wireless network solution. Using the latest wireless technologies, such as Mimosa, Ubiquiti, and MikroTik, we can develop a custom solution to connect your employees and IOT devices with minimal expense and disrubption to your business. Some business applications of point-to-point wireless include: maufacturing and food processing equipment connections, shipping and reciving portable scanners and table connectivity, indoor and outdoor video surveillance camera networks, hotel guess WiFi networks, apartment complex WiFi services, greenhouse video surveillance and faming equipment connectivity. 



Connect equipment for

 manufacturing, food processing, or shipping and receiving

Video Surveilance


Monitor & control live video feeds from wireless camera equipment powered with solar or POE



Offer buliding-wide or complex-wide guest or tenant secure WiFi inteternet service 



Connect greenhouses, storage structures, farm equipment, or

crop monitoring systems

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To stay competitive in today's changing world you need your employees, euipment, and IOT devices to stay connected no matter if they're indoors, outdoors, or spread across a wide geograpic area. PSI Consulting can get your staff and resources connected on a secure, monitored network that's affordable and faut-tolerent. Even in remote locations where there is no cellular, cable, or satelite service, we have the custom solution you need to bring it all together..

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